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Workshops for Paper Writing in English
Workshops for Paper Writing in English
2025-2 Entry Call
2025-2 Entry Call
Study Circle at the Institute's Library
Study Circle at the Institute's Library
Mondays 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Our student community plays an essential role in the successful development of the research we carry out. The academic personnel of the Institute of Ecology provides students with training of the highest quality, where independence and critical thinking are encouraged. This is achieved through hands-on research experience, including the participation of students in data collection in the field, laboratory or institute facilities, data analysis and academic discussion, as well as the generation of high-quality knowledge with potential to contribute to tackling critical socio-environmental problems.

Graduate Studies

Since it's creation, the Institute of Ecology has collaborated with various university degree programs, offering students an opportunity to carry out their social service by supporting research projects or developing a final thesis on the topics that we address.

We participate in three graduate programs (Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences, Graduate Program in Biological Sciences and Graduate Program in Sustainability Sciences), through which students of various nationalities develop their Master's and doctoral theses in different areas and disciplines. Likewise, we have continuous collaborations with other academic entities inside and outside the country, actively participating in advising students from other academic programs.

Do your UNAM social service at the Institute of Ecology

These are the current projects that take in social service students at the Institute of Ecology. Those interested in participating in a social service project should contact the corresponding responsible academic staff. These projects could also include students interested in doing professional internships.

Biología de plantas de zonas áridas
Clave: 2021-12-110-716
Responsable: Dra. Mariana Rojas Aréchiga
Contacto: mrojas@ecologia.unam.mx
Ecología evolutiva de las interacciones bióticas
Clave: 2021-12/110-2272
Responsable: Dra. Karina Boege Paré 
Contacto: kboege@unam.mx

Counseling Psychology


Through Coursera, UNAM offers FREE online courses. If you are part of the active UNAM community, register for MOOC-UNAM and enjoy the wide offer of speciallized courses and programs.

⚠ Important Information for students and supervisors

Education Committee

Coordinator: Dr. Alejandro González Voyer



Alejandro Córdoba Aguilar Biological Science


Juan Pablo Jaramillo Correa Biomedical PhD jaramillo@ecologia.unam.mx 
Mariana Benítez Keinrad Sustainability Science



Rosalinda Tapia and Carlos Cordero School of Science-Biology rtapia@ecologia.unam.mx  cordero@ecologia.unam.mx
Sergio Ancona School of Science-Earth Science sergio.ancona@iecologia.unam.mx
Araxi Urrutia  Genomic Science araxiuo@gmail.com
Rocío Santos  Morelia Campus-Ecology rsantos@iecologia.unam.mx
Anitzali Martínez Ortiz Undergraduate Students anitzali@ciencias.unam.mx
Carlos Emiliano Cortés Quiñones Master's Students carlosc@iecologia.unam.mx
Verónica Reyes Galindo PhD Students veronica.rg.pb@gmail.com
Glora Sarmina Leonel PhD Students gsarmina@ciencias.unam.mx


Dr. Alejandro González Voyer
Dr. Alejandro González VoyerEducation and Human Resources Training Coordinatorposgrado_ie@iecologia.unam.mx
☎ 555622-8997
Ms. Erika Rodríguez Reyes
Ms. Erika Rodríguez ReyesProcess Assistantposgrado@ecologia.unam.mx
☎ 555622-8997

Graduate Students


Stephany Alejandra

Stephany Alejandra

Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas

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Bernardo Aguila Salgado

Bernardo Aguila Salgado

Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas

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Verónica Alavez Salgado

Verónica Alavez Salgado

Estudiante de Maestría en Ciencias Biológicas

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José Antonio Aranda Pineda

José Antonio Aranda Pineda

Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas

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Liz Alejandra Avila Rodríguez

Liz Alejandra Avila Rodríguez

Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas

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Institute of Ecology, UNAM
Exterior Circuit next to the Botanical Garden
C.P. 04510
University City, Mexico City
See in Google Maps
☎ +525556228996